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What to Expect During and After Your O-Shot?

Cosmetologist does prp therapy on the face of a beautiful woman in a beauty salon. There is in vitro blood plasma, ready for injection. Cosmetology | Resa Medical Aesthetics in Scottsdale, AZconcept

O-Shots are today’s modern approach to sexual rejuvenation. In recent years, experts claim a medical treatment that does just that has increased in popularity. Marketed as the orgasm shot, or O-Shot, the therapy involves injections into the clitoris, labia, and G-spot using platelets from our blood that contain healing proteins called growth factors extracted from your blood. Although there’s currently very little research on O-Shots, and no scientifically proven evidence has yet to confirm this claim, they can still improve your sex life.

Today, let us know more about O-Shots, how it works, and what we can expect during and after receiving this sexually rejuvenating treatment. Read until the end and discover if O-Shots can spice up your sexual life once more.

What is the O-Shot?

Also known as the orgasm shot, the O-Shot is a cosmetic procedure that helps enhance female sexual wellness. Platelet-rich plasma is a substance derived from a patient’s blood consisting of stem cells and growth factors. PRP injections administered around the clitoris and within the vaginal walls can help promote blood flow and cell growth to increase sensitivity and sexual desire and enhance sexual sensation.

About PRP

Treatments using platelet-rich plasma (PRP) have most often been used to treat injuries in athletes. It has been used extensively to treat sports injuries, aid recovery from surgery, and even treat medical conditions like pattern baldness and hair loss.

PRP treatment involves drawing blood from patients, isolating the PRP from their blood, and reinjecting it into a part of the body that needs healing. And nowadays, PRP has also been incorporated with O-Shots.

What Cosmetic Concerns Do O-Shot Procedures Treat?

Sexual Function

O-Shots are advertised to mainly provide “mind-blowing orgasms” as the main benefit of their treatment. It can help improve sexual function, vaginal sensation, and much more. Some supposed benefits include the following:

  • a heightened orgasm during sex or masturbation
  • increased arousal
  • increased lubrication
  • increased sexual desire

Female Sexual Wellness

PRP injected into the erogenous zones, such as the clitoral area, vulva, and vaginal walls, stimulate blood flow and new tissue growth for sensitivity enhancement.

Mommy Makeover

O-Shots can help women already experiencing changes in sexual function following pregnancy.

Incontinence and Other Conditions

Some professionals claim O-Shots may also be used for the following:

  • urinary incontinence easement
  • lichen sclerosus treatment
  • lichen planus treatment
  • chronic pain treatment brought about by childbirth and mesh, and interstitial cystitis

In addition, some women claimed that the O-Shot treatment has significantly improved their orgasm experience and has even helped as an incontinence treatment. However, there’s no rigorous evidence to prove that O-Shots work as promised or consistently scientifically. PRP treatments help stimulate stem cells, collagen production, and blood vessels. Doing so could lead to better orgasms and sex in women.

Who are the Ideal Candidates for O-Shot Procedures?

The perfect candidates for O-Shot procedures are women experiencing difficulty achieving orgasm or those who also experience urinary incontinence. O-Shots are not suggested for those seeking treatment for specific sexual dysfunctions like dyspareunia.

Recovery Time with O-Shots

There is little to no downtime linked with O-shot procedures. Patients may experience a feeling of having a sense of fullness in their vaginal area, experience altered urinary streams, or notice swelling for a few days. All normal activities, including sex, may be resumed the same day.

Potential Risks and Side Effects

Possible after-effects from O-Shot procedures may include bleedings, discomfort consistently experienced at injection sites, persistent arousals, constant vaginal wetness, alterations to vaginal sensations, hypersexuality, hematuria, or inconsistent results.

As with any medical procedure, patients may experience some discomfort or reaction after O-Shot treatments. However, the women who experience any side effects report that they are mild and short-lived. Some effects include: 

  • Urgent or more frequent urination 
  • Pinching, pressure, or pain during injection (Topical numbing agents make this a rare occurrence) 
  • Spotting  
  • A feeling of vaginal “fullness.” 

However, all of these things are normal reactions to the injection and are not unsafe or damaging. These immediate effects fade quickly – in three weeks or less – while the body uses PRP growth factors to rejuvenate tissues with new, healthy cells.

Results and What to Expect from O-Shot Procedures?


O-Shot procedures provide immediate and noticeable results. Typically, these results last six to 12 months when you need maintenance treatments. Results vary widely among individuals. The results from O-Shots are resoundingly positive. The benefits include:

  • Increased libido
  • Improved sexual sensitivity
  • Tightened vaginal opening
  • Increased vaginal lubrication
  • More intense, easier orgasms
  • Reduced symptoms of stress incontinence

What to Expect?

O-Shots are platelet-rich plasma injections in and around the standard erogenous zones of the woman’s vagina. This procedure helps improve orgasm and sexual arousal. Here’s a fast-paced guide for what to expect before, during, and after an O-Shot treatment.

Before Treatment

  • No special measures are needed to be taken before treatment with the O-Shot.

During Treatment

  • Practitioners will draw blood from the patient’s arm.
  • The drawn blood is placed in the centrifuge to separate the platelet-rich plasma (PRP).
  • Then, the PRP gets injected around various erogenous zones.

Immediately After Treatment

  • Patients can already resume their normal activities right after.
  • They may feel fullness within the vagina for 1-3 days.
  • They may experience spot bleeding from the targeted areas for 1-2 days.

Result Notes

  • O-Shots offer quick results.
  • Maintenance treatments are needed every 6-12 months.
  • Patients will have varied results.

Frequently Asked Questions

“Are O-Shots approved by the FDA?”

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, or the FDA, does not govern blood biologics. However, the FDA supports the device that the FDA approves to prepare the PRP that’s used in O-Shots. Blood products such as PRP are exempt from regulation and don’t follow the FDA’s traditional regulatory pathway.

“Why should I see urogynecologists for the O-Shot treatment?”

A method and precision are needed for a woman to get optimal results from an O-Shot. Urogynecologists specialize in urology or gynecology that focuses on pelvic organ functions and the surrounding tissues and muscles supporting these organs.

“Is it safe to have more than one O-Shot treatment?”

The results of O-Shots may take up to 12 weeks to fully realize. At that time, a woman can gauge how the shot works for her and whether she needs a boost. Because O-Shots are created with the patient’s blood, there is no risk associated with repeating the procedure. Because each patient is treated with a new, sterile, FDA-approved kit, every O-Shots are as safe as the first.

Final Takeaways

The O-Shot treatment or orgasm shots are cosmetic procedures that help improve one’s sex life using enhancements to our sexual desires, sexual arousals, and vaginal tissue sensitivities. Consult your trusted doctor or healthcare provider to know if O-Shots can work for you, too.

Do you want O-Shots for your sexual rejuvenation? Our wonderful friends at Resa Medical Aesthetics can help you today. Visit them now!

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