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Microneedling Before & After Care Tips For Effective Results

Close up of a lovely caucasian woman having microdermabrasion non invasive therapy with derma pen in a wellness center | Resa Medical Aesthetics in Scottsdale, AZ

The microneedling aftercare steps you must take after your treatment aren’t frequently highlighted. It would be best to take precautions to safeguard your skin’s barrier. At the same time, it heals because microneedling punctures your skin.

Your skin is more sensitive after the procedure because the micro punctures are still mending. Due to this, you cannot continue with your regular skincare regimen. You may also need to avoid some products for the first two to three days.

Care must be taken into account before, during, and after every cosmetic treatment. So, read on if you’re seeking before and aftercare advice for microneedling.

What is Microneedling?

Before we dive into the before and after care tips, let us introduce Microneedling first. For those who are not yet familiar with this procedure, Microneedling is an anti-aging cosmetic procedure.

Microneedling is a revolutionary cosmetic technique that offers your skin a softer, smoother, and younger-looking appearance. Your skin receives micro-wounds from the procedure, which triggers the creation of collagen thanks to the implanted microneedles in the device. As a result, your skin is rejuvenated by the added collagen.

Microneedling benefits include:

  • improves deeper wrinkles and fine lines
  • lessens acne scarring
  • stretch marks smoother
  • Even skin tone
  • It makes hyperpigmentation and sunspots lighter
  • reduces the visibility of pores
  • smooths and firms the skin’s surface
  • removes scars
  • reduces spider veins and damaged capillaries
  • restores the radiance for skin that is younger-looking and fresher.

What are the things you need to consider throughout your Microneedling treatment?

Microneedling is relatively safe and efficient. To ensure a quick recovery and to receive the most pleasing results, it’s crucial to take extra care of your skin before and after the operation, as with other treatments.

Microneedling Before Treatment

Your skincare expert will advise you to care for your skin before your microneedling treatment during your appointment. By following these guidelines, you may guarantee that the process goes well and that any adverse effects are kept to a minimum.

  • Avoid using acne medications in the meantime. Accutane and other acne drugs that include retinoids may affect your collagen induction treatment. You must discontinue using all of these retinoid-containing acne treatments at least six months before your appointment if you wish to experience positive outcomes from microneedling.
  • Ibuprofen, Motrin, and Advil should not be taken for at least three days before your microneedling procedure. These will obstruct the normal inflammatory process, which is essential for skin renewal.
  • No electrolysis, waxing, or use of depilatory lotions to the region being treated for 5-7 days beforehand.
  • To prevent skin irritation on the day of the surgery, do not shave. Shave the area the day before your visit if there is thick hair in the treatment area.
  • Take an antiviral medication two days before the treatment and the day if you are prone to cold sores.
  • Because bruising is a frequent adverse effect of microneedling, refrain from using blood thinners for one week before your procedure.
  • For as least two weeks before your surgery, refrain from IPL/Laser treatments, unprotected sun exposure, or sunburn.

Microneedling D-Day

It will help you feel as comfortable and at ease as possible throughout your microneedling process if you know what to expect on the day of the operation.

  • Your skin will be thoroughly cleansed to remove any lotion, oil, makeup, powder, or sunscreen. When you arrive, you can wash your face if you like.
  • Your skin care professional will need to know about any pertinent changes in your medical history and all the drugs you’re currently taking.
  • You will first have a numbing lotion applied to your face, so you won’t feel the needle pokes. The microneedling practitioner will next roll or slide a pen-shaped instrument with tiny hands across your face.

Your skin receives little incisions from the needles, which results in some bleeding. After that, your doctor could apply a lotion or serum to your face. A microneedling procedure is performed in-office and might take up to 60 minutes to complete.

It’s normal to have specific adverse effects after microneedling surgery. Your skin may be flushed or bright red as you leave your session, giving the impression that you have had a mild to moderate sunburn all day.

The redness and swelling will most likely last 24 hours or a little longer. It isn’t much you can do to get rid of the redness right away after microneedling, even with proper aftercare.

Microneedling Post-Treatment

Like any excellent skin procedure, microneedling has tremendous advantages for achieving and maintaining beautiful skin. Still, you must carefully follow the aftercare guidelines to get the most out of your skincare treatment.

  • Take no anti-inflammatory drugs for a week following the procedure.
  • Stay away from being sunburned for at least two weeks and spend a lot of time in the sun. Always use sunscreen after 24 hours, and if you’re outside, you can wear a hat.
  • If you feel any discomfort, use a pain reliever like Tylenol.
  • Avoid touching the area where microneedling is done. You could feel the urge to pick at your skin while it heals and end up scratching it. You could suffer more harm than you can bear if you give in to this temptation. To prevent picking or scratching completely, refrain from touching your skin shortly after your session.
  • You must prevent excessive sweating for your microneedling session to provide effective results. You must refrain from engaging in any activity that causes you to sweat significantly for this purpose, including swimming, hot tubs, saunas, and steam rooms.
  • The treatment region shouldn’t be exposed to ice, nor should it be used nearby. Ice will stop the skin’s natural inflammatory process, which is necessary for skin healing. For the same reason, you should refrain from using natural anti-inflammatory remedies like arnica and bromelain (derived from pineapples).

What does Microneedling healing process look like?

Just like any other treatment, Microneedling does have side effects. However, these adverse effects are often minor and temporary. Most people have reported experiencing redness as one of the possible microneedling side effects.

The healing process might take days or weeks, depending on how far the needles penetrated your skin. After the operation, you can have a little pain, and your skin might be red for a few days. There may also be some signs of peeling and scarring, but it’s natural to happen after receiving the treatment.

In Conclusion…

The most crucial period is just after a microneedling procedure. Your skin is most sensitive after being seriously injured and needs specific attention to speed up the healing process.

If you stick to our aftercare advice, you can take good care of your skin and get the most excellent benefits after microneedling. Even while microneedling requires more effort than a standard skin care regimen, it is worthwhile.

To learn more about microneedling or if you want to experience its benefits, Resa Medical Aesthetics is here to walk you through the whole process.

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